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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Company Conference - Las Vegas

I'm weeks behind on posting - sorry! Our company conference in Las Vegas March 26 ~ 28 was a lot of fun. It was great seeing friends and meeting new ones.
The fellow to the left of me in the first picture is Michael Clouse, the featured speaker all day Friday. I shouldn't admit this but I had seen articles by and about him since 1999 but just didn't do much about it. I heard quotes from him and heard about some of his books and training, but I didn't get them. I wish now that I had! Michael is an amazing teacher. Within the first 5 minutes of hearing him, I liked him and what he has to say. What he teaches about vision has vastly improved me and my business. I strongly recommend his website, Go through the website in great detail - there is a lot of material there! Get the package. And we just received notice that he will be at our annual conference in August - yea!!!
In the middle picture are all the leaders of our company that attended this event. My happy face is second from the right, next to Bob Scocozzo, the CEO and owner. Charlie Umphred, VP Marketing and owner is in the middle.
The third picture is of Bobby and his daughter Mia Bella, namesake for our product line. She just keeps growing and getting prettier every year!
this was a great conference. Meeting and listening to Michael Clouse on Friday and all the member speakers on Saturday was a lot of fun. I was the MC for both days. No one threw anything at me so I guess I did a good job.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shep,

    Sounds like you guys had a great time. lol, I need to hurry up and just retire from the Air Force so that I might actually be around for one of these sometime in the near future ;-)

    Keep doing what you do.



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